Paper Submission

Paper submissions for the general conference track and for the special sessions are all managed through EasyChair: Submission Link

Submission Guidelines

Full papers, work-in-progress papers, and poster abstracts shall be submitted using the Springer LNCS format. Submitted full papers should not exceed 12 pages, work-in-progress papers should not exceed 8 pages (including references and appendices) and poster abstracts (4 pages + 1 page poster). Final, camera-ready, revised paper have to be submitted in pdf format as well as either in LaTex or in MSWord format. The templates are available at the Springer Web site on Information for LNCS Author. The copyright form can be found at Springer LNCS.

Poster Submission Guidelines

This year, for the first time, GECON will include a poster session. Posters can be submitted as an extended abstract (4 pages + 1 page poster) which should not exceed 4 pages using the Springer LNCS format describing the poster content, research, relevance and importance to GECON community. Additionally, the submission must include a fifth page that is an A4 draft of the poster.

Poster dimensions: A0 size is recommended but A1 is also acceptable. Landscape.

All questions about poster submissions should be emailed to Orna Agmon Ben-Yehuda <


Deadlines for regular papers and work-in-progress papers are:

  • Abstract Submission Deadline: May 20th, 2019  May 30th, 2019 Passed
  • Paper and Paper-in-Progress Submission Deadline:  May 27th, 2019  June 7th, 2019 Passed
  • Notification of Paper and Paper-in-Progress Acceptance: July 1st, 2019, Passed
  • Camera Ready Deadline: July 8th 2019
  • Poster Submission Deadline for Accepted Papers: July 8th, 2019

Deadlines for the posters and accompanying abstracts:

  • Poster Submission Deadline: July 8th, 2019  July 12th, 2019
  • Notification of Poster Acceptance: July 12th, 2019   July 18th, 2019
  • Camera-Ready Poster Deadline: July 15th, 2019   July 21st, 2019


Proceedings of GECON 2019

The proceedings will be published by Springer LNCS. Extended versions of up to 10 accepted papers in the computer science field will be invited for publication in a special issue of the Elsevier Journal of Future Generation Computing Systems. For papers targeting mainly business and economic aspects, a special issue of the Springer Electronic Markets Journal with up to 5 papers and a special issue of the Elsevier Electronic Commerce Research and Applications Journal with up to 5 papers will be available.


Reviewing Process

Original full papers and work-in-progress papers, which are not currently under review by another conference, will be considered. Manuscripts will be reviewed based on technical merit, originality, and relevance. Past acceptance rates have been around 30% in recent years.


Special Sessions

In a topical paper session, the session organizers are proposing a complete research-paper session that consists of three to four research papers that address a particular topic.  The session chair will promote the CFP for original submissions and will ensure the quality of accepted works and provide a list of qualified reviewers to evaluate original papers.  Topical papers session can include a combination of regular, published, and invited papers. In the case of invited papers, the proposal will include the names and backgrounds of presenters. Only original accepted works will be published in the proceedings.

With respect to publications of special session works, additional to regular original papers submitted to the conference (full papers, working-progress and poster abstracts), works can also be submitted under the umbrella of a special session following the usual GECON reviewing process. These papers will be assigned to the special topic session chair for evaluation.

Special sessions works can include a set of a long abstract about the special session, technical reports, future research visions, and exhibition tool descriptions with informal demonstrations. Regular, original, and reviewed works will be included in the Springer LNCS proceedings.


Special Topic Session on Economic Aspects of Machine Learning, Cognitive Systems and Data Science

With the growing trend for the Internet of things, demand for safe infrastructures has tremendously increased. Infrastructure failures (e.g., network downtime or outages) are expensive and should be avoided by all means, as they impact business operations and might, also, generate tremendous costs. There are many reasons why infrastructures built of computers, devices, network, information systems fail. Several studies address these failures by focusing on defining new approaches that could help automating some of the operation functions of the systems management. Today, the emerging trend is to use techniques from artificial intelligence (AI) such as machine leaning and data science. In this special topic session, we are going a step further by inviting submissions of papers that address this topic with a special focus on cost aspects, business models, and economics behind artificial intelligence:

  • Impact analysis of machine learning and their potential applications in systems management
  • Economic models of autonomous system management
  • Network, Devices and Computers Management
  • Business models for IT and IoT Infrastructure
  • AI-Software as a Service
  • Cloud platforms for AI-methods
  • Social organization of robots and drones

Contact: Aurilla Aurelie Arntzen (University of South-Eastern, Norway),


Special Topic Session on Social and Economic Aspects of IT-Enabled Platforms

During the past years, platforms for different application areas emerged, ranging from ride sharing platforms (e.g., Uber), rental sharing platforms (e.g., AirBnB), to labor-task-machting platforms (e.g., TaskRabbit). The impact of these kind of platforms on the economy is still not clear, as their classification into the economy is not clear, models of their workings under different legal policies do not exist, and the technical means to steer their operation according to policies do not exist. Therefore, the objective of this special topic session is on investigating the interplay between the technical aspects and economic aspects of platforms that can be steered through the adjustment of policies. Overall, submissions to this special topic session should address some of the following topics:

  • Labor market platforms
  • Architectures of platforms for trading and interconnecting services
  • Design of platforms that can be adjusted to different policies
  • Sharing platforms (e.g., Uber, AirBnb)
  • Classification of platforms
  • Technical requirements to implement policies
  • Models of competition between platforms

Contact: Somayeh Koohborfardhaghighi (Amsterdam University, Netherlands),


Special Topic Session on Digital Infrastructures: Social, Economic, and Policy Aspects of the Material Resources Supporting the Digital World

The objective of the session will be around the feasibility and sustainability of digital infrastructures, critical for participation in modern society, in a diverse and unequal world. General aspects may relate to basic human rights, social, economic, cultural rights, intersecting with business and commerce, and the policy and economics of expanding coverage, capacity and operation of material infrastructures for our digital world. Specific aspects may relate to the
  • Economic sustainability of technological infrastructures (e.g. networks, clouds, sensors/IoT),
  • Centralisation, diversity, competition, cooperation and decentralisation of technological infrastructures,
  • Governance models such as private, public, competitive, cooperative, commons
  • Business/sustainability models such as pay-per-service, freemium, indirect or ad-based, and
  • Investments through crowdfunding, crowdlending, shares, tokens, and ICO.

Contact: Leandro Navarro (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain),; Felix Freitag (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain),


Special Topic Session on Economics of Security and Privacy

In this special topic session, papers on economic aspects of security and privacy are presented and discussed. The focus lies on the economic impact of security and privacy on IT infrastructures, i.e., its value creation and cost. As the type of infrastructures varies widely, the cost-benefit models that could be applied can vary widely. In particular, we consider topics on:

  • Cost-benefit models of privacy and security in cloud computing
  • Privacy-preserving features in platforms
  • Security and privacy in sharing economies
  • Security aspects in interconnected clouds
  • Security information sharing
  • Ecosystems on security 

Contact: Maurizio Naldi (LUMSA University, Italy),


Contact for Questions on the Submission Process:
